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Future Work

Future for Net-Zero  

The challenge of achieving net-zero is pivotal for humanities continued existence, having far reaching implications beyond the numbers on paper. It is important that the figures in theory reflect the actual impacts on reality. Here are a few observations made during the study that can help the net-zero carbon goals. 


Emission factors: Effective?  

The projected carbon emissions are the direct result of Emission Conversion Factors set by the government and hence the accuracy and reliability of these factors play a crucial role in the calculation of these emissions. Despite these being updated on a bi-yearly basis, these values are still generic estimates and often do not consider the specific conditions and backgrounds of individual organisations or the utilisation pattern of resources. Whenever possible, it is ideal to measure and calculate the emissions specific to the scenario assessed.


E.P.D (environmental product declaration)? 

Especially in the case of scope three emissions involving products and services, it is difficult to make an accurate estimate of these associated emissions with each product purchased with the standard emission factors, due to their composite nature. Looking at E.P.Ds of these goods and services is a much more reliable and efficient way to make a greener choice. Unfortunately, E.P.Ds  are not mandatory under current law, but choosing products with E.P.Ds can help improve their popularity. 


Procurement policy? 

The operation strategy of every organisation is dependent on the policies that they follow, and what better way to engrain net-zero aims into the backbone of the organisation than adopting it as policy. Procurement policies emphasising the commitment of the organisation to opt for the most sustainable choice that is financially viable, can be the first line of defence in the fight against rising emissions. Each organisation must decide for themselves on how they are planning to incorporate the goal of net-zero in their daily operation strategy. 


Ultimately: Commitment to the cause 

Even with all the paperwork in place and policies and guidelines set, ultimately it is the commitment of the organization and of every individual that forms the core of the organisation, that has the power to bring about lasting change. This is only possible by improving awareness and making the right choices, even from the bottom of the hierarchy. All individuals must be encouraged to use a green filter when making any choice for the organization. 




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